The Witches’ Pharmacopoeia: Now Available!

And now at last we come to a great milestone in the catalog of works I have authored or edited; the 100th occult release (counting a half a dozen of my own works) and the first herbal/homeopathic work here, technically speaking; the very good “Witches Pharmacopoeia” by Robert Fletcher, who combines the Shakespearean with the burning times herbal and cauldron-stirring lore

This booklet is line after line of not only herbal inclusions into magick but contains also some brief coverage of other diabolical work; especially as it relates to the boiling of unbaptized infants or the use of hanged man fat in potions and rituals. You will probably know the latter best from the use of the Hand of Glory.

This work along with “Magic Plants” will be placed in a new ninth category for herbal, homeopathic, and medicine-related works as soon as at least two additional titles are available that would fit therein; likely the South Sea Herbal and “Weeds as Medicine.” It will go under the Academic heading until the new category is crafted.

40 pages.

Your Future Revealed: Now Available!

This interesting work is one among many in the oracle tradition but with two neat twists; first, the oracle is set up to answer via some of the Greek deities, and second the oracle is in Shakespearean quotation.

This likely marketing strategy takes a straightforward, relatively simple oracle and transforms it into something a bit more snazzy. Thirteen questions may be answered by merely using slips of paper upon which the numbers of the gods (or their names) are placed. This system can be adapted for essentially any multiple choice query.

32 pages.